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Pre-opening Exhibitions

July 11, 2007 00:00

Prior to its opening on 8 September 2007, santralistanbul hosted the Pre-opening Exhibitions between 11 July and 26 July, bringing together some of the leading institutions of the contemporary European art scene. Centre Pompidou (Musée national d’art moderne) from France, ZKM (Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe) from Germany, and MUSAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León) from Spain, brought together their experiences and artistic accumulations at the open platform presented by santralistanbul.

The common denominator of these three eminent European institutions’ exhibitions that complemented one another was the works that use diverse modes of expression by means of video art, the contemporary technique that continuously renews itself. While Centre Pompidou’s selection from its New Media Collection was presented under the title “Contemporary Perspectives”, ZKM’s selection of new and interactive media works was presented under the title “Touch me İstanbul”, and MUSAC’s selection comprising video and installation “An Interpersonal Journey”.

Event Details


Main Gallery


July 11, 2007

