Dear Visitors;
Energy Museum will be closed to visitors between 15-23 June 2024.

Energy Museum Educational Programs


Children discover Energy Museum with an enjoyable and educational museum tour. At the end of the museum tour, they play games tailored to their age groups regarding energy and electricity. Throughout the program, children experience a process in which they are participants and learn by touch.

Lasting for 40 minutes, these tours can be organized in Turkish or English.

santralistanbul Energy Museum tours for school groups take place at 10:00 and 13:00 on weekdays.

Guided tour groups are limited to a maximum of 25 people and a maximum of 3 groups are allowed at the same time.

For detailed information and registration, you can send an e-mail to



In the workshops that are organized for school groups in Energy Museum, a different program flow is used for different levels. Workshop and tour are provided together in the programs that are organized for kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, and high school groups.  

For detailed information and registration, you can send an e-mail to



Accompanied by museum education specialists, children first learn how electricity is generated, energy resources, the countries’ increasing need for energy, climate change and its effects on our world with an interactive program featuring narratives tailored to their age groups.

In the applied part of the workshop, children carry out activities that will always remind them this museum experience and the importance that we should attach to our world.

At the end of the workshop, children discover Energy Museum with a museum tour that takes place in the form of drama. They complete the tour by playing age-specific games regarding energy and electricity and they discover their surroundings by touch during the entire tour.

Duration: 1 hour 30 min.

For detailed information and registration, you can send an e-mail to



Within the scope of ‘Program for Children with Superior Potential’, BİLGİ Education and Culture Foundation implements the education models that are in place in many countries with an expert teaching staff in collaboration with TÜZYEV (The Yuksel Education Foundation of Gifted Children in Türkiye).

It is a program that has been developed in order to support the skills and learning needs of students in line with their areas of interest. Thanks to these programs, students who would like to spend their weekends productively improve their intelligence and talents depending on their interests. Throughout the program, students are both emotionally and academically supported with appropriate goals and gains for their improvement. Covering different fields, the program integrates different branches. In this way, coherence is established between different fields and a multifaceted and holistic learning takes place. The program also aims to develop students’ social and emotional approach.

The students that are included in the gifted category in accordance with the evaluation results of intelligence tests, which have been standardized in our country, are admitted to the program.

For detailed information and the program, you can send an e-mail to






















santralistanbul Enerji Müzesi