Dear Visitors;

Energy Museum Educational Programs



Guided Tours

Children explore the Energy Museum through a fun and educational tour. At the end of the tour, they experience age-appropriate games related to energy and electricity in the play area. Throughout the program, children engage in a hands-on learning process where they can touch and explore. These 40-minute tours are available in both Turkish and English. For school groups, the Santralistanbul Energy Museum tour programs are conducted on weekdays at 10:00 AM and 1:00 PM. The maximum capacity is 90 students at a time. The programs are fee-based.

For detailed information and registration, please email


Energy Workshop Programs

Designed for preschool, primary, and middle school groups, these workshops involve children learning about electricity production, energy sources, increasing energy demands, climate change, and its effects on the world through interactive sessions led by museum education experts. They participate in activities that reinforce their museum experience and the importance of environmental awareness. At the end of the workshop, children explore the Energy Museum through a drama-style tour and conclude the visit with age-appropriate energy and electricity-themed games in the play area. The maximum capacity is 75 students at a time. The programs are fee-based.

For detailed information and registration, please email


Science Workshop Program

This special workshop for primary and middle school students immerses children in the magical world of science. They learn about the inspiring stories and discoveries of scientists and imagine themselves as future scientists. The program aims to inspire young minds by promoting scientific thinking and innovative ideas. It concludes with an interactive museum tour exploring the history of electrical energy. The maximum capacity is 75 students at a time. The programs are fee-based.

For detailed information and registration, please email



These programs are held periodically on different days and times for children aged 5-14, featuring various themes. Participation in the workshops is fee-based.

For detailed information and workshop announcements, please follow bilgiegitimvekulturvakfi on Instagram.



Developed in collaboration with Istanbul Bilgi University and Doğa College, our winter and summer school programs are designed for gifted children aged 6-14 and are conducted by expert educators. The programs, held on Saturdays at Istanbul Bilgi University's Santralistanbul Campus, award a certificate upon completion. Admission is based on standardized intelligence tests and BİLSEM students. The programs are fee-based.

For detailed information and registration, please email

























santralistanbul Enerji Müzesi